We all recognize the challenges that come with being so ideally situated in the heart of the Triangle. Traffic from all directions leads to the congestion we experience today. I will continue to invest in roadway improvements that mitigate congestion: new roads, road widening and intersection improvements.
As a long-time member of Capital Area Friends of Transit, I understand the need to address this challenge holistically. We must continue to invest in alternative forms of mobility such as buses, commuter rail and bicycle and pedestrian amenities. We have successfully leveraged non-town funding and partnerships.
Completed Projects:
- McCrimmon Parkway Extension
- Morrisville Parkway Grade Separation
- Parkside Valley Drive intersection Improvements
- Crabtree Hatcher Creek Greenway border to border completion below 54 and RR
I will facilitate the completion of:
- Morrisville Carpenter Road Widening - (Currently Underway)
- Aviation Parkway Widening
- Davis Drive Intersection Improvements (at McCrimmon Parkway and at Morrisville Parkway)
- McCrimmon Parkway Grade Separation and Widening west of 54
- Airport Blvd Extension and Grade Separation
- Chapel Hill Road Widening
- Elimination of our sidewalk gaps
- Expansion of our Greenway Network
- Recognition as a Bike Friendly Community